Pineapples Don't Mix Well With Esencial Costa Rica

Based on the observations from our visit to Pinaablo, a pineapple preparation and distribution wholesaler, it is clear that, although pineapple is one of the largest export products in Costa Rica, it has both positive and negative impacts on Costa Rica's environment. Pinaablo has reserved approximately 350 hectares for their pinnacle crop, which entails deforesting these acres of wildlife, in addition to the acres needed for the existing processing plant as well as the new structure currently being built. Furthermore, Pinaablo purchases pineapples from many other farmers whom have also played in a part to the deforestation of the hillsides in Costa Rica. As the topsoil's nutrients are exhausted in just a few years, farmers will need to expand their farms on land that is not yet deforested. This process continues to occur withOut concern for the deforestation of the original land. As it stands now, keeping electrical operations to a small section of the plant therefore keeping energy usage to a minimum. This is short-lived as their future plans of installing air conditioning units and expanding their plant come into fruition. Pinaablo employee Nicaraguans rather than Costa Rican's who will work for lesser wages and have less concern for their hosting country.  

Overall, the pineapple industry in Costa Rica is not consistent with the ideals and standards of Esential Costa Rica. It is critical to join this movement by promoting and supporting the sustainability practices Esencial Costa Rica's understands to be the best for their country's further growth and development. Despite the imperative national gross income of this cash crop through exporting and employing large amounts of workers, the pineapple industry can do more to offset the negative impacts on the environment that they induce. However, there are actions that the pineapple farmers can take to participate in sustainable business practices. Like Pinaalbo, who has complied to the guidelines set forth by organizations that have certified them fair trade agreements, others can participate in trade agreements that will put in place a foundation of high standards on ethical issues such as fair wages and appropriate working conditions for native Costa Rican's. While the people are being taken care of, the environment will need some tender care as well. By implementing reforestation projects, soil erosion prevention measures and energy efficient structures and practices, the pineapple industry can become more sustainable. Still, they will not be fully consistent with Esential Costa Rica's model of sustainability. 


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